Sidney Frohman Planetarium

Sidney Frohman Planetarium
Sandusky City Schools
2130A Hayes Avenue
Sandusky, Ohio 44870-4740
Mr. Kelly Sommers, Facilitator
Phone: (419) 984-1136

An image of the Milky Way arcs up along the dome of the Sidney Frohman Planetarium. The milky way is brilliant in black and white and floats amid a background of stars.
An image of the Milky Way arcs up along the dome of the Sidney Frohman Planetarium. The modern projection system was part of a major remodel and upgrade that was dedicated in 2019 with the Frohman Foundation as a major backer. Photo by James Guilford

The Sidney Frohman Planetarium Opened in 1967 and was renovated in 2019. Capacity of 52 Seats. It is located behind Sandusky High School. The planetarium is open to outside school districts and special events but is not yet open for public shows on the weekend. It is hoped the observatory will soon return to active use.

Photo: Observatory Dome at the Sidney Frohman Planetarium. Photo by James Guilford.
Observatory Dome at the Sidney Frohman Planetarium

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With the blue interior of its observatory dome as background, the white tube of the telescope points skyward. The instrument sits atop a brown steel pier and is counterbalanced by a sturdy weight.
The Sidney Frohman Telescope: A circa 1967 Tinsley Laboratories 12-inch Cassegrain. The telescope sits beneath a fiberglass dome atop a raised portion of Sandusky High School’s Supplementary Educational Center. Photo by James Guilford


Looking down the optical tube assembly (OTA) of The Sidney Frohman Telescope reveals the rather unique “figure-eight” secondary mirror support. The design would have the benefit of not producing diffraction spikes off of bright stars, artifacts which are objectionable to some observers. The primary mirror can be seen at the back of the OTA, the telescope’s baffle tube extending through the center of its disk. Photo by James Guilford.